Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Mayor Byron lauds students' efforts to "Keep Wildwood Clean"


WILDWOOD - Mayor Pete Byron expressed his gratitude to the Wildwood High School ECO Club for their participation in the Wildwood Public Works initiative in bringing awareness to the need for all of us to "Keep Wildwood Clean."

Wildwood Clean Communities Coordinator Diane DePalma and Recycling Coordinator Rick Mascio teamed up with the Wildwood ECO Club to promote the importance of disposing of trash and recyclables in the correct place. Under the direction of Wildwood High School teacher and ECO Club supervisor Jennifer Rickert, the students also participated in the beach clean-up on Saturday, April 17, 2021.

The ECO Club students are Mariela Garcia-Cruz, Alex Medina, Michael Garcia Rosario, Nashaly Cruz Valle, Lilly Aguilar, and Nina Moya. Through their artistic talents, the students created signs posted on the Wildwood Boardwalk.

According to Mayor Byron, "The work of these students in helping clean the beach and in the creation of the signs is incredible. It shows they understand the importance of our environmental future both in Wildwood and globally."

Byron continued, "This partnership between Public Works and the Wildwood ECO Club will elevate public awareness to the importance of 'Keeping Wildwood Clean.'"

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