Friday, May 24, 2013

Boardwalk Cover-up: Wildwood ordinance aims to "foster a family-friendly atmosphere"

As reported by Christie Rotondo of The Wildwood Leader, an ordinance was proposed by Wildwood's commissioners last night that would impose a dress code of sorts on the Boardwalk.

The ordinance calls for shoes to be worn at all times and states that shirts must be worn after 8 p.m.

Also, officials intend to crack down (sorry, couldn't resist) on pants or skirts that ride below the waist.

A public hearing and possible adoption of the ordinance will be held at the city's next commissioners meeting - 5:30 p.m. on June 12th at City Hall.

So, what do you think? Is this a good idea?

Beyond that, is it reasonable to believe that these rules could be properly enforced?

We'd like to hear from you - leave a message here or join the conversation on Facebook...


  1. i think they should enforce the bike riding after 11:00.i know they have signs but know one sees them

  2. It sounds like a great idea. Your on the boardwalk not the beach and should be dressed. Anyone without a shirt or shoes at anytime or anywhere besides a beach or pool has no couth.

  3. I say no! This will not solve for people who make poor decisions on how they dress. This also could be implied women and men can go topless until 8pm....yes someone else will think of this too. Focus on more important / impactful issues and resolutions.

  4. I think it's ridicules, worry about the bikes and the dogs. Vacation means enjoy yourself, it's expensive enough in Wildwood!Now you want to chase everyone away,unbelievable you can't even enjoy vacation anymore.,

  5. great idea. I know people are on vacation but that doesn't mean that they can't dress properly in public. would they do that in their home town? show some respect!

  6. i completely agree! keeping things in order! way to go!!!!

  7. I never commit any of these things...but I know they don't care about any of this stuff. This is just a way to ticket people for these offenses and get even more money out of people who are trying to enjoy their time at the beach or boardwalk. Officers are going to be begging to be posted up at the beach for they can rake in the easy tickets.

  8. As much as I dislike the way many dress, I disagree. It is one thing having a dress code in an office environment but on the boardwalk!?!? Styles come and go, as when we were young. There are WAY more important things that need attention!!!

  9. Unenforceable, and cannot be applied uniformly or fairly. More appropriate would be cleaning up the actual trash on the boardwalk. I have never seen a more filthy, disgusting walk anywhere. Cigarette butts jammed between every board and paper trash swirling everywhere. There should be a strictly enforced littering fine and designated smoking stations with receptacles. There should be a cleaning crew walking the boards everyday from 9am to 9pm. If the city won't pay for it the boardwalk business owners should pay a specific per annum for keeping it clean...after all they are the ones that profit. Take a page from the Ocean City litter ordinance and clean up the boardwalk.

  10. I was shocked at the way "Pre-Teen/Teenagers" were dressed last year in June. I remember seeing swinsuit tops but not bottoms being shown off on the boardwalk while shopping. Going to get something to eat/drink or use the restroom is totally different. I think WW is trying to keep that Family Oriented feeling which I agree with at the same time the teens parents or guardians should be aware of how their children are representing themselves. I was mad last year when 11am came & went & bicycles were still riding around! Just because you may have over slept & didnt get your moneys worth of riding time doesn't mean you are not to follow the rules! 6am to 11am is long enough :)

  11. It's a start and a great idea. We stopped going to the boardwalk years ago because of the "trash up there" It's a shame. We have no problem staying in North Wildwood or WW Crest. But when we do, we still take a drive to Ocean City Boardwalk because of the "family atmosphere" Tired of seeing shirtless dudes all "tatted up" with their pants around there knees smoking cigaretts! It's funny.....the trashy people"not all" tatted always have money for tattoos and cigs but for nothing else in life! I don't get it??? They are really expensive but they look like garbage! Haha. That Boardwalk is a nighmare, sorry! Grew up on it and loved it but now things like this need to be enforced.

  12. I live in Wildwood year round. Stop trying to make Wildwood into Cape May or Ocean City! Its never going to happen. Wildwood is a party town and everybody knows it. Truth is it's geared towards adult pleasures, not families.
    Instead of worrying about droopy pants, how about fixing the crappy streets in this city???

  13. so they will be charging to go to the beach then...because if they ticket you for vacationing i guess its the equivalent...

  14. Is this what we want the police acting on? Wouldnt you rather they go after the kids with open beer cans and the people smoking pot/doing drugs under the boardwalk?
    I suggest the adults get dressed up like the "dress code offenders" and show them how silly they look.

    And what about the stores on the boardwalk selling the lovely fringe cut half shirts and all the other offensive clothing? Will they be banned from selling it?

    This idea of "Fashion police" is half thought through.

    1. How about "All of the above"?

  15. When I was young u couldn't wear just ur bath.g suit u needed a cover. Shoes good .bikes pain in the ass

  16. Please, as a seasonal resident I can't vote, but please put this through and also add: No sale or wearing of obscene symbol or language bearing clothing. No one wants too severe, but show some class or leave.

  17. I would love to see some of the stores clean up their act. Most families are embarassed by the provocative, suggestive wording on many clothing items.

  18. guys should be able to go shirtless on the boardwalk they should be free especially if its really hot but shoes should be worn and as long as we don't see anybodies underwear other than that we should do what ever we want
