Friday, October 20, 2023

Last weekend of the season at Sam's Pizza (Oct. 20-22)

Wildwood Boardwalk
pizza lovers, the final hours are upon us.

This weekend will mark the end of the 2023 season for Sam’s Pizza Palace, the last dedicated pizza house on the promenade to close for the year.

Both Mack’s Pizza and Franconi’s Pizza shut down their ovens last weekend, joining the majority of seasonal businesses that have already settled in for a long winter’s nap.

Sam’s closing weekend hours are as follows:

Friday, October 20  ~ 10:30 am - 8 pm

Saturday, October 21   10:30 am - 8 pm

Sunday, October 22   10:30 am - 5 pm

Per Sam’s social media accounts, the pizzeria will be selling a limited edition winter hat, only available on-site this weekend ($20).

Sunday will mark the conclusion of Sam’s 67th season and 18th in their “new” building 2600 Boardwalk. 

This campaign began a little differently due to the Boardwalk Reconstruction Project, playfully dubbed “The Year Without a Boardwalk.”

"No Boardwalk, No problem!"

With work ongoing at its front door, Sam’s welcomed guests through its side door on Juniper Avenue for Opening Day in February and the first few months of the season.

While an official opening date for 2024 has not yet been announced, locals and visitors on pizza pilgrimage have come to expect Sam’s traditional reopening on the Friday leading into Presidents Day Weekend (mid-February).

Assuming that remains on the schedule, our next opportunity for a slice of pie and a birch beer at 26th Street is just a little under four months away.

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