Friday, May 15, 2020

Cheer up, spud: Curley’s Fries returns on Friday, May 22nd

Regrettably, we’ve been the bearer of some pretty lousy news over the past few months.

Believe us, we’d much rather be writing about roller coasters, boardwalk pizza, neon signs and… well, just about anything over this pandemic stuff.

Amid the seemingly endless barrage of cancellations and restrictions, it’s important to look for some silver linings as we attempt to make the best of this situation. 

Undestandably overshadowed by yesterday’s news that Morey’s Piers would be unable to open for Memorial Day Weekend was the announcement that Curley’s Fries will make its season debut next Friday, May 22.

That’s not good news, it’s GREAT news!

Only the Surfside Pier location will be in operation for the time being - offering takeout, of course - but we’ll gladly take it. A world without those yummy cuts of potatoey goodness just ain’t right.

With the rides and all arcades closed, and every business dealing with some level of restrictions (many, sadly, closed outright), we face many uncertainties in the weeks and months ahead.

Yes, Memorial Day Weekend is going to be “different.”

Yes, Summer 2020 in the Wildwoods is going to be “different.”

But the gradual return of our favorites will go a long way toward our journey back to normalcy.

(You know what else is likely to go a long way? The line at Curley’s next weekend. It may very well stretch all the way to the bay…)

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