Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Under new management, Green’s Liquors aims to improve customer experience

The persistent theme of change has been evident throughout the Wildwoods this Spring.
Everywhere you look, it seems, new businesses are popping up, while construction at various stages continues and major public works projects roll on. 

If you’ve passed through the intersection of 26th & New Jersey recently, you may have noticed a subtle change in the form of new signage outside of Green’s Liquors. The sleek addition incorporates the store’s trademark arrow design over a modern LED message board.

According to manager Angelo Vicoli, the update is symbolic of some substantial improvements being made inside both Green’s locations - 26th Street and 5301 Pacific Avenue.

“Back in October, we changed over our entire management team and staff, pretty much,” he explained. “To be honest, a lot of things weren’t going right and the owner felt that these things needed to be addressed.

“We’ve placed a huge emphasis on store cleanliness and improving customer experience, helping guests get what they need and creating a better atmosphere.”

Vicoli noted hearing “nightmare stories” from past customers, citing disorganization, unhelpful employees and a lack of music playing in the store.

“It was like an awful library or something,” he said. “Those things absolutely needed to be addressed and that’s what we’ve done, and will continue to do. Visiting any store should be a pleasant and convenient experience that guests should want to come back to.”

While this is Vicoli’s first time running a liquor store operation, he brings over 20 years of experience in the nightclub industry, having also worked as a bartender in Philadelphia and up the coast in Sea Isle City.

He believes that the changes his team has implemented at Green’s will coincide with a big season ahead for the Wildwoods.

“I’ve worked [at the Jersey Shore] for a long time and you begin to see different trends,” he said. “Based on where we are with this pandemic, coming out of this, and how business has been, I think a big boom is going to hit the island. I think it’s going to be a very busy summer.”

“Especially as the weather gets nicer and with people wanting to get out more and more. We’re already seeing it with our customers, we’ve been pretty steady all day on Fridays and Saturdays. All good signs.”

Vicoli had a direct message to past customers:

“If you’ve had a bad experience at Green’s in the past, I ask you to give us another chance,” said Vicoli. “I want you to know, we’ve taken a lot of time to address the areas that needed attention and we’re committed to making these positive changes permanent.

“Our team is proactive and open to questions. We really do care about people. If a customer wants something that we don’t have, we’ll do our best to get it and make sure they have everything they need.”

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