Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Wildwood Police report on storm damage from April 13, 2020

On Monday, April 13, 2020, the City of Wildwood experienced a high wind weather event. This event caused numerous issues throughout the City.  

This included power outages, property damage, and damage to a few blocks of the south end of the Wildwood Boardwalk. This boardwalk damage was specifically located between Andrews Avenue and Rio Grande Avenue.  

We still have areas of the City awaiting response from utility companies, and we ask that you do not drive into town to view any of the damage.  

The Wildwood Boardwalk was closed last week by City Officials due to the current pandemic, and as such you can not access the area of the boardwalk damage.  

In an attempt to deter people from coming to view the damage and to help maintain social distancing we have released several images of the damage to the public domain for pool use by any outlet.  

If you are a property owner in the City of Wildwood and do not have access to your property at this time please call the police department to request a property check at 609-522-0222.

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