Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Wildwood Crest Construction Office urges property owners to conduct regular checks of all exterior decking structures


WILDWOOD CREST - The Wildwood Crest Construction Office, in conjunction with the State Department of Community Affairs Office of Regulatory Affairs and other neighboring municipalities, has drafted a letter urging property owners to conduct regular checks of any exterior decks for damage, excessive wear and other problems.

(Text from this letter included below.)

A copy of this letter has also been placed on the Wildwood Crest municipal website at wildwoodcrest.org and the various Wildwood Crest social media pages.

In addition, the letter will be distributed to all property owners in Wildwood Crest in the borough's next bulk mailing in January 2020.

For more information, contact the Wildwood Crest Construction Office at 609-729-8089.


Letter to property owners

Regards and hope all is well.

In light of the recent collapse of an older exterior deck in the City of Wildwood, we are recommending that every property owner check their exterior deck for damage, excessive wear and other problems. Please be advised that prolonged exposure to severe weather combined with the moisture levels and salt air in the coastal environment can cause serious damage to exterior decks, structural supports and attachments to the main structure. Proper routine maintenance of these exterior decks, porches and balconies should help prevent structural problems and possible failures.

Care should be taken to ensure that the supporting members are intact and stable as well as the connections to framing members and the main structure. These connections should be tight and mechanical connectors should be free of corrosion. Please note that the positive connections to supports and the main structure should prevent separation from the structure and potential failure. Please check all aspects of these exterior structures including but not limited to: columns and supports; connections to structural supports and the main structure; beams and girders; joist and ledgers; any existing bolts and/or joist hangers; stairs and handrails; and guardrails for any raised portion of the deck.

In the event that the deck is not stable or shows signs of instability, a certification should be obtained from a registered architect or licensed engineer, including recommendations for repairs to render the structure safe. The local construction office cannot provide this certification; however, they may assist to properly follow procedures regarding an unsafe structure and the application process for obtaining construction permits. 

This letter is informational only and should not be construed as an exhausted list of measures to be taken to ensure the safety of your property. Please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of every property/building owner to ensure that their structure is maintained in a safe condition free of hazards.

Thank you for your cooperation and attention to this important life safety matter.

Rick Allen, Construction Official
City of Wildwood

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