Thursday, April 21, 2016

New pavilion constructed at 2nd Avenue

Roughly a decade after the widely-praised addition of the seawall in North Wildwood, updates and improvements continue to be made by the city.

At the wall's terminus, the point at 2nd Avenue, a new pavilion has been put into place. This is the latest change to the area that looks directly over the jetty at "2nd Street Beach," and is similar in design to the pavilion located one block south at 3rd Avenue.

When the seawall was completed, this area featured a small area with a single lookout post; it was completely renovated into a full patio with benches and tables a few years back. Now, there will be a roof over the heads of those who wish to enjoy one of the Wildwoods' most scenic and popular gathering spots.

This new look certainly will take some getting used to, but it's another practical addition which will provide shade during the summer months, as well as cover from rain and wind year round.

A special "Thank You!" to Sean McDermott for providing the accompanying photos...

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