Sunday, August 28, 2011

It's 5 o'clock - And all is well

Screen capture courtesy of EarthCam, 5 p.m. EST

What a difference 24 hours makes, huh?

This time yesterday, we were bracing for the onslaught of Hurricane Irene. Perhaps worst of all was the uncertainty factor - not knowning how severe her wrath would be and what the Wildwoods would look like in the morning.

There are reports of flooding and some businesses and homes on the island and throughout the region are still without electricity. But, all in all, it appears that we have come out of this potentially disastrous situation relatively unscathed.

So, today is a day to regain our bearings and, if you can find a moment to do so, reflect upon and appreciate all that we have. Because we made it.

As the island essentially "reopens" today (how weird does that still sound?), we urge visitors, especially, to continue to be careful and take things slowly.

Several businesses have already tossed aside the plywood and are welcoming patrons back. We've heard great reports about celebratory parties at Goodnight Irene's (c'mon, you didnt' think they'd be one of the first to reopen?), Juan Pablo's, and Westy's.

Sam's Pizza had their electric restored today and will be opening tomorrow. We are hearing that Morey's Piers will resume full operation on Tuesday. (Update: Mariner's Landing and Raging Waters will be open tomorrow!)

Great news, all the way around. Especially as scary and unsure as things were looking as evening approach yesterday.

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