Friday, April 2, 2021

Explore your Wanderlust this Spring in the Wildwoods


The Wildwoods - Summer at the New Jersey Shore usually includes travelers who, especially this year, are eager to take a long-awaited getaway. For those who prefer a more intimate, quiet vacation experience, the Wildwoods invites you to visit the shore destination this spring.

Spring in the Wildwoods offers the chance for vacationers to relax, unwind and enjoy the warmer weather, natural wonders and socially-distant outdoor activities. With increased safety measures in place, the Wildwoods are the ultimate getaway destination to safely escape the chaos of the world and explore your serenity. 

Whether it be an early morning stroll or a day-long excursion, the Wildwoods' spacious, white sandy beaches offer an ideal extravagance for nature lovers. The Wildwoods have five miles of expansive clean, safe and serene beaches along the Atlantic with plenty of room to practice social distancing. Rating among the best beaches in New Jersey, they are perfect for those who are looking to soak up the sun and dive into a good book. Enjoy breathtaking views while collecting seashells or simply relax while enjoying the calming benefits of "beach therapy" on your long-awaited getaway.

One of the most spectacular ways to enjoy the natural beauty of the Wildwoods is by taking advantage of the destination's 'bikeability.' The Wildwoods have coined the word 'bikeability' to capture all of the amazing biking opportunities across the island.

A bike route runs nearly the entire length of the five-mile island, starting at the southern end of the island in Wildwood Crest on the Dunes Bike Path; up onto the Wildwoods Boardwalk for a 2.5-mile ride to take in the signs of the shore; then onto the North Wildwood Mulberry Bike Path and on to the North Wildwood Sea Wall. There's also special 'bikes only' lanes dedicated to cyclists in North Wildwood along some of its major thoroughfares and along the back bays.

The Wildwoods also offer the largest collection of mid-20th century architecture in the country, known as Doo Wop Architecture. Take a self-guided tour on foot or by car around the island to see, up close and personal, the bright neon signs, vibrant architecture and colorful motel names which make up the Doo Wop ambiance for which the Wildwoods are famous.

The restaurant renaissance that started years ago in nearby Cape May has spilled over into the Wildwoods, and a growing number of gourmet restaurants are located throughout the five-mile island, each of them garnering superb reviews from critics and patrons alike.

The Wildwoods' upscale restaurants offer memorable surroundings, remarkable cuisine and attentive service for a perfect evening touched with romance, candlelight and delectable food. Outdoor dining overlooking the ocean, the bay or the inland waterway is another unique way to enjoy dining in the Wildwoods. With amazing food and signature drinks, cool breezes, a phenomenal view and great live music to top it off, there's nothing like it. The backdrop is the evening sunset on the bay while boats slowly glide past the vibrant streaks of color in the evening sky.

Most restaurants throughout the island offer a full selection of cocktails, craft beers and wines. Wine connoisseurs will find wine lists that reflect a wide selection of vineyards and vintages - including some excellent New Jersey-grown choices from area vineyards. A few restaurants even permit guests to bring their own choice of wines to enjoy with dinner.

Tucked away on the bayside of Wildwood Crest, Sunset Lake is aptly named for its picturesque sunsets. Nature lovers can choose from a variety of water sports, including boating, fishing, crabbing, paddle boarding, kayaking and many other water-related activities. Sunset Lake also has beautiful parks to stroll and view the spectacular sunsets.

The beaches, bike paths and vineyards are just some of the scenic and natural places to visit in the Wildwoods this spring. The island is also home to bird-watching, nature trails, fishing and crabbing opportunities that are sure to amaze. The Wildwoods are also home to natural wetlands and wildlife sanctuaries for those seeking to explore and enjoy the great outdoors on their vacation.

Build your itinerary online

Virtually plan out your vacation in the Wildwoods with the interactive Trip Builder tool at

Simply select your favorite events and attractions and save them to an itinerary at the push of a button. You can organize your trip from your computer, tablet or smartphone so you can make the most of your vacation. And there are over 8,000 hotel-motel rooms and over 3,000 vacation rentals to choose from to fit anyone's budget.

Visit and start planning for your fun-filled summer vacation in the Wildwoods.

For additional information about the Wildwoods, visit or call 800-992-9732.

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