
Thursday, August 31, 2023

Statement to the media from the Greater Wildwoods Tourism Improvement & Development Authority regarding Atlantic City Electric power outages


THE WILDWOODS - As we prepare for the Labor Day Weekend celebrations in the Wildwoods, we thought it important to reassure our visitors of Atlantic City Electric's commitment to proactively and comprehensively inspect its electric distribution system, making every effort to prevent future power outages in the resort and restore system reliability.

Atlantic City Electric has shared the list below, illustrating a number of the many action items they have taken and will continue to take to address the cause of prior power outages and improve system reliability, as follows:

  • Across the Wildwoods, our personnel are proactively taking steps beyond recurring inspections and maintenance, to patrol and inspect distribution lines and associated energy equipment, and make any repairs if needed.
  • We are performing periodic inspections using radio frequency equipment and infrared technology to identify any potential issues and are replacing or repairing infrastructure as needed.
  • We are also identifying opportunities to implement near-term solutions to further improve service to our residential and business customers, including installing additional reclosers that will automatically detect and isolate any issues on the energy grid, leading to faster restoration of service.
  • We are determining longer-term solutions to upgrade power lines including reconductoring work that will create new feeder ties and support specialized equipment that can automatically detect issues and restore service faster if an outage does occur.
  • We are continuing to make upgrades to our electric system and investing to strengthen the local energy against extreme weather, while also installing new and more modern infrastructure and technology, which enabled our ability to restore the majority of customers faster during the August 26 outage.
  • Despite our proactive steps, outages unfortunately can occur beyond our control, so we are also focusing to ensure we are providing the fastest response possible to restore if an interruption does occur.

The Greater Wildwoods Tourism Improvement & Development Authority appreciates Atlantic City Electric's commitment to providing reliable power for the Wildwoods and we enthusiastically welcome visitors to enjoy the Wildwoods this Labor Day Weekend and throughout the exciting Fall season, where major events and festivals are planned for every weekend through October.

The Wildwoods offer the best of the Jersey Shore - all on one five-mile island!

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