
Thursday, April 2, 2020

Cape May County Chamber supports stay-at-home and social distancing orders

This is an extraordinary time. As members of a community supported by tourism, we have never before made a request of this nature. 

Our priority is to see the coronavirus brought under control and even eradicated, businesses re-opened and our daily routines resumed as quickly as possible. 

The way to teach that goal while protecting the health of those in our community is to listen to the advice of the officials at the CDC and WHO, as well as our government officials, and abide by social distancing and stay-at-home orders as directed.

The Cape May County Chamber of Commerce supports the position of Governor Murphy, the Cape May County Board of Chosen Freeholders and the sixteen Municipalities of Cape May County in asking that second homeowners not visit their properties in Cape May County at this time.

Additionally, we ask that owners of properties stop renting to out-of-county residents until the crisis is over. While painful, this “temporarily closed” status is a reality for the majority of businesses across the country. 

We’re all in this together, and our efforts must be coordinated to stop the spread of coronavirus.

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