
Monday, February 25, 2019

Champions crowned at grammar school basketball Island Tournament


The Wildwood Crest Recreation Department hosted the annual grammar school basketball Island Tournament Feb. 20-24.

Competition was held among the boys and girls grades 5-6 and 7-8 basketball teams from four grammar schools in the Wildwoods – Margaret Mace, Cape Trinity Catholic, Wildwood and Crest Memorial.

Winners from the tournament were as follows: junior varsity girls - Margaret Mace; junior varsity boys - Cape Trinity Catholic; varsity girls - Crest Memorial; varsity boys - Margaret Mace.

In addition to the basketball tournament, the event also included the annual Skills Competition, which was won by Cape Trinity Catholic.

The Margaret Mace junior varsity girls basketball team (grades 5-6) topped Cape Trinity Catholic, 24-13, to win the championship of the Island Tournament held at the Crest Pier Recreation Center. Pictured from Margaret Mace are (from left): bottom row - Brigid Peters, Angie Wilber, Holly Fesler, Maura Bean; middle row - Leiah Pawlus, Macie McCracken, Emma Drumm, Anna Delaney; back row - Kiana DiAntonio, Olivia Hunter, Maya Kaced; standing at left -coaches Liz Golden and Jean Golden.

The Margaret Mace varsity boys basketball team (grades 7-8) got past Wildwood, 43-38, to win the championship at the Island Tournament held at the Crest Pier Recreation Center. Pictured from Margaret Mace are (from left): back row - coach Kyle Morinelli, coach Rich Morinelli, Angelo Bromley, Gio Rotondi, coach Matt Bean, Patrick Bean, Gabe Stefankiewicz, John Shoemaker, coach Mike Yarwasky, Nick Papamarkos, coach Kenny Camp, Ebin Ahlum, Coach Ray Brown III, coach Ray Brown Jr.; bottom row - Cole Oratvis, Chase Critchfield, Tyler Brown, Billy Murphy, Keynan Alston, Kelan Miller, Chance Ginyard.

The Cape Trinity Catholic junior varsity boys basketball team (grades 5-6) slipped past Crest Memorial, 21-18 in overtime, to win the Island Tournament championship at the Crest Pier Recreation Center. Pictured from Cape Trinity are (from left): back row - coach Jeff Belancio, James Szeleski, Eddie Fucci, Devon Weber, Gonzalo Gonzalez, Trevor Frey, Jackson Doherty, Peyton Rosenello, Jeffrey Belancio, coach Sal Zuccarello, Sister Sheila Murphy; bottom row - Joey
Golden, Luke Wegner, Gavin Burns, Nick Antonicello, Jack Smithson, Carl Loracle, Brody Fuscellaro. Not pictured: Josh Nichols.

The Crest Memorial varsity girls basketball team (grades 7-8) nipped Margaret Mace, 29-26, to capture the championship at the Island Tournament held at the Crest Pier Recreation Center. Pictured from Crest Memorial are (from left): front row - Alexa Marchiore, Halle Hopping, Kianna Walden, Emma Messer; back row - coach Scott Mason, Abbey Pruszinski, Mariann Kurtz, Carly Murphy, Ava Vogdes, Jenna Ziemba.

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