
Monday, September 14, 2015

Boots & Hoses

September visitors to the Wildwoods know that the weekends following Labor Day feature some of the biggest events on the island's calendar, one right after the other.

So it goes, as the collective roar of hundreds of motorcycle engines fade into the distance, the incoming wail of sirens can be heard (or at least imagined, for now).

By the end of this week, thousands of firefighters from companies throughout the state will converge on Wildwood for the 2015 New Jersey Firemen's Convention

As always, activity will be focused around the Wildwoods Convention Center, in front of which a cavalcade of shiny red firetrucks, with ladders extended, will be displayed from Thursday to Saturday.

It's quite a spectacle, for all ages!

One of the highlights of the weekend is the annual parade on Saturday afternoon, which will proceed from Cresse Avenue in the Crest all the way to 20th Avenue in North Wildwood.

The Crest also hosts a huge craft show in conjunction with Firemen's Weekend each year, held at Sunrise Park (Ocean & Rambler) throughout the day on Friday and Saturday.

UPDATE, 2 pm: Fireman's Weekend Fireworks Spectacular just announced!

Meanwhile, up Anglesea way, a new tradition will be born as Olde New Jersey Avenue will be transformed into the fairgrounds for the inaugural Boots at the Beach Country Music Festival

Friday night will feature a "Bar Hoodang," with country bands and DJ's in all bars in the North Wildwood Entertainment Discrict.

Saturday will see Olde New Jersey come alive with live outdoor music, food, country-themed vendors and much more. 

The district will be the site of the following weekend's annual Irish Fall Festival (THE biggest event of the "Second Season"), but make no mistake - Boots at the Beach has been planned to stand on its own as a first class experience, and the Wildwoods' newest September shindig.

Check back throughout the week for more on these and other events and happenings!

For the complete Wildwoods Calendar of Events, visit

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