
Monday, January 27, 2014

Monday Memories: Then, Now, & Forever

Every year, millions of new memories are made in the Wildwoods.

And that's precisely why this series of photos, sent in by John Denning, makes us smile.

That certain intangible, "timeless" quality that is such a unique part of the island's character is exemplified on the faces of John, his brother Joe, and their mother in images snapped at Columbine Beach in the Crest from 1973 (above), 1995, and this past November.

Three photos, spanning four decades of memories.

What is "new" today will be "nostalgic" tomorrow, but the very best things in our lives endure and will last forever.

Family. Tradition. Wildwood.


Thanks again, John, for sharing these cherished images with us!
Have you taken similar "comparison" shots from the same (or nearby) locations with family and/or friends over the years? If so, we'd love to see and feature them.
Drop us a line at
If you've never done a comparison shot, they're great fun and a terrific way to chronicle your family's history and traditions. Grab an old photo or two and bring it with you to the shore for a "restaging" this summer!

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